Repairing Your Pool Lining

Swimming Pool Maintenance: Should You Prepare for Resurfacing Work?

Your residential swimming pool will provide prolonged service after installation under ideal circumstances. Unfortunately, the constant contact with water and pool chemicals can cause the surface of the pool structure to degrade. Also, the constant exposure to sunlight may contribute to the deterioration of the exposed surfaces. When the pool begins to degrade, you will need to perform resurfacing work.

This maintenance process involves reforming the surface of the pool for the improvement of aesthetics and longevity. Here are simple tips to help you determine whether you should start planning and budgeting for a swimming pool resurfacing project.

Check for Surface Cracking

You should check your pool tiles for cracks if you are considering performing a resurfacing project. This is the most obvious sign that the feature is degrading. Surface cracking is not harmful in the early stages. However, if the damage is not repaired, water will leak into the internal structure of the pool, and significant deterioration will occur over time. Therefore, you should be diligent in performing inspections of the pool surface.

Consider the Discolouration

You should take note of discolouration of the pool surface or etching. If your tiles are slowly losing their original colour, you should think about reforming or rebuilding the surface. You should take note of strange spots and patches on the tiling. These marks are particularly prominent on the pool floors because the area is always in contact with treated pool water. Moreover, sediments settle on this surface.

Test for Water Imbalances

You should monitor the water chemicals and analyse the trends. The data can be beneficial in helping you decide whether you should plan for resurfacing of the pool. Simply speaking, as the pool surface corrodes, the minerals and elements in the structure begin to leach into the pool water. As a result, the balance of the pool chemicals will not remain stable for long. Moreover, you might notice surface pitting due to the reaction with chemicals. If you are noticing more imbalances, you should consider repairs.

Examine the Pool for Chalking

Finally, you should check your pool for chalking if you are uncertain about a resurfacing project. As implied, chalking refers to the formation of chalky film on the internal surfaces of the pool. The material is formed as the old tiles in your structure degrade due to the old age and chemical interactions. Typically, the chalky film indicates that your tiles are eroding and need immediate replacement.
