How To Make A Splash With The Best Pool Money Can Buy

Pools are one of the most common additions to Australian homes, and it is no secret why that is. Summers in Australia are deathly hot, and even winters can routinely get above 20 degrees Celsius. However, before you rush into buying your first pool, there are some things you should think about. Pools generally last as long as the house they are attached to if done well. The last thing you want to do is install a cheap pool that isn't up to scratch with the rest of your house. [Read More]

Why Constructing a Swimming Pool During Fall Is a Brilliant Idea

Some people don't see the need to construct a swimming pool after summer, but this is a wrong perception. The end of summer means getting ready for the fall. Fall is cool, and it's a moment when the leaves of the trees change colours. You are right if you think you won't often swim during the cooler weather. But did you know that constructing a new swimming pool during the cool weather is a great idea? [Read More]

The best cleaning agents for your glass pool fencing

Glass pool fencing is a unique and aesthetically appealing way of protecting your pool from trespassing and accidents. With a glass fence, you always maintain a clear view of your pool while enjoying the reflectance and finishing of your glass surface. If you use your pool often, you will find that keeping the glass clean makes a significant difference. Indeed, a scratch-free and polished glass fence make your pool area look elegant and sophisticated. [Read More]

Swimming Pool Maintenance: Should You Prepare for Resurfacing Work?

Your residential swimming pool will provide prolonged service after installation under ideal circumstances. Unfortunately, the constant contact with water and pool chemicals can cause the surface of the pool structure to degrade. Also, the constant exposure to sunlight may contribute to the deterioration of the exposed surfaces. When the pool begins to degrade, you will need to perform resurfacing work. This maintenance process involves reforming the surface of the pool for the improvement of aesthetics and longevity. [Read More]